Last updated:

8th August 2023

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MHA assessments

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

A survey by ADASS in 2017 concluded: “In 2016/17, on average 268 Mental Health Act assessments were carried out per 100,000 population.” However, this information is obviously now dated and we would like to undertake some refreshed benchmarking. We are requesting this information under the Freedom of Information Act but please be assured that:
• Individual authorities will not be named in any information we collate for the benefit of our client
• The information provided will not be used for any commercial purposes or provided to any third-party organisations (other than anonymised data being shared back with participating organisations)
• We are happy to share the collated benchmarking information back with yourselves if you provide the appropriate email address

1. The number of MHA assessments arranged and attended by an AMHP in 2022 (we appreciate that some may be arranged, the AMHP (and doctors) may attend but the assessment cannot be completed for a variety of reasons)?

2. The number of MHA assessments completed in 2022 (ideally broken down by outcome e.g. detention under s2, detention under s3, no detention- referral to CMHT etc)?
S2= 82, s3=43, S131=5, S37/41 recall=1, CTO revoked=1, unable to complete due to lack of bed =10, no admission=32, no outcome recorded on the spreadsheet=2

3. The number of MHA assessments arranged and attended by an AMHP in 2023?

4. The number of MHA assessments completed in 2023 (again, ideally broken down by outcome)?
S2=84,s3=29, S131=8, discharge with community follow up=16, discharge with no follow up=2, DoLS=1, unable to complete =8

5. The number of assessments undertaken in 2023 on out of area individuals (i.e those registered with GPs in other local authority/ICB areas but currently located within your boundaries)?

6. The number of assessments undertaken in 2023 which were conducted out of area (i.e those involving patients registered with a GP in your local authority/ICB area but currently located in another area)?

7. Where you commission independent/self-employed AMHPs to undertake MHA assessments what is the standard fee (in 2023) you pay them?
We do not use independent or self employed AMHPs on a per assessment basis. AMHPs need to be approved or authorised by us as a LA and we would employ them.

8. Do you make payment to the (independent/self-employed) AMHP where an assessment cannot be completed (but the AMHP attends the arranged location)? (if so, is this at the same rate?)
We do not use independent or self employed AMHPs in this way.

9. Do you make payment for mileage incurred to undertake assessments? If so, what is the rate (in 2023)?

10. Is this same mileage rate paid to substantive/rota AMHPS as well as independent/self-employed AMHPs?
We do not employ independent/self employed AMHPs.

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