Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Senior staff members at Wokingham Borough Council

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

a) please can you tell me how many Heads of Department are at Wokingham Council, and how many of these are Black or Asian.
There are 33 Heads of Department at Wokingham Borough Council. We are unable to provide ethnic grouping specifics under section 40. This data falls under the Special Category data which is more sensitive than regular personal data.

b) Also how many Senior Managers are at Wokingham Council and how many are Black or Asian.
There are 102 Senior Managers at Wokingham Borough Council. This includes the Leadership team, Heads of Department and Senior Managers. We are unable to provide ethnic grouping specifics under section 40. This data falls under the Special Category data which is more sensitive than regular personal data.

c) Also how many people are on the Leadership team, and how many of these are Black or Asian.
There are 6 staff in the Leadership team at Wokingham Borough Council. We are unable to provide ethnic grouping specifics under section 40. This data falls under the Special Category data which is more sensitive than regular personal data.

d) Also how many people work in the Communications or Marketing team and how many of these are Black or Asian.
There are 11 staff in the Communications or Marketing team at Wokingham Borough Council. We are unable to provide ethnic grouping specifics under section 40. This data falls under the Special Category data which is more sensitive than regular personal data.

2. Also under the FOI, how many people work in the diversity and equalities team, how many of these are women, how many are men, and how many people working in the equalities or diversity team are Black or Asian.
There is one person currently in the Wokingham Borough Council diversity and equalities team. We are unable to provide specifics under section 40 (personal data) which would identify them and that this data falls under the Special Category data which is more sensitive than regular personal data.

3. Finally, the article below says that Wokingham reported the largest disparity between white British students and mixed-race white and black Caribbean pupils. The article says that the latter group had an exclusion rate of 12.8%, about five times higher than the white British rate. The article says that Wokingham Council declined to comment. Under the FOI, can I have the press release from the Council about the disparity, and the reasons why the Council would not comment, and all minutes from the Council meetings about this disparity.
There was no press release about the disparity. No minutes held, nor any details about meetings to discuss this. The information came from the ONS so this may not have been discussed about internally by Wokingham Borough Council.

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