Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

S106 Financial Contributions

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Please can you help, I am focusing on S106 documents agreed and signed between 1st January 2012 and 31st December 2016, with particular attention to the following:

1. The current status of unallocated or unspent funds, focusing on the categories of Education Contribution, Open Spaces and Environmental Improvements Contribution, Health Facilities Contribution, and the Community Centre Contribution.

2. Any projects or initiatives that have been identified for the utilization of these unallocated funds.

3. The council's plans or considerations for allocating the remaining funds, ensuring they are utilized effectively for the benefit of the community.

4. Moreover, I would appreciate receiving any relevant documents or reports that outline the allocation and expenditure of these funds and the planning references for the corresponding sums.

Please see attached list of all planning applications and S106 agreement deed dates within the requested period.

All our infrastructure funding statements can be located on our website where further details on developer contributions can be found including unallocated S106 funds. Link to webpage with reports can be found here - Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) (
All spend of S106 is approved by Executive through the Capital Programme annually. All documents relating to schemes approved to be funded on the capital programme through developer contributions are available on our website through the Executive meetings - Browse meetings - Executive | Wokingham ( The Capital Programme can be found within the February meeting each year. Detailed information on individual schemes can also be located through Executive meetings.

Whilst we have a great system for reporting on S106 agreements not all reports can be manipulated to provide the exact information in a single report so would require manually searching through all 325 agreements to identify the unspent funds which in itself would be a considerable task, we would then need to find out the status which would require liaising with the project manager for each of the projects identified to provide an update. The system also does not contain the documents linked to allocations therefore for all identified unspent funds the project manager or capital finance would be required to locate the Capital bid documents which would have received approval through the MTFP or identify those that are still to be approved. This would exceed the 18hour time limit (section 12).

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