Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Expenditure related to software in your Children's Services Department

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to obtain information on the expenditure related to software in your Children's Services Department.

1. Does your Local Authority have the following departments?:
• Adult Social Care Commissioning
Jennifer Lamprell -

• Childrens Social Care Commissioning
Hayley Rees -

2. If so, please can you provide the contact details for the person who would make decisions about subscribing to software.
See above.

3. Details on the monthly costs associated with different types of software utilised in Children's Services. Please provide information on the following for the period 01.01.23 to present:
• The names and types of software applications or systems used in Children's Services.
• The monthly cost for each software application or system.
If possible, please categorise the costs and provide any additional relevant details regarding the functionalities and features covered by each software.
Cost information provided is the last full annual cost, as advised by the contract owner.
E-Start & eSuite Hosting: £30,227.20
Youth Offending System - IYSS Neet prevention: £38,742.73
Toad x 4 Allows you to look inside data tables: £702.08
Care Act Frontdoor Screening and Signposting: £11,057.00
Learner Track - Booking System: £12,000.00
Opentext EDRMS Content Suite Platform: £47,394.29
Mosaic: £241,565.00
ePEP electronic personal education plan: £16,950.00
SSL Certificate - Mosaic: £64.75
SSL Certificate - Mosaic: £64.75
SSL Certificate - mosaic: £64.75
Communications Credits All Languages: £100.00
Evolve educational visits and trips: £4,999.00

4. Please can you also provide information about what would be the preferred charging structure when supplying software to your local authority, specifically around:
• Is it better to pay annually or monthly?

• What’s the preferred method of payment?

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