Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Charge point accessibility

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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I am after information relating to electric charge point access for disabled/motability drivers.

1. How many electric vehicle public charging outlets or chargepoints have you installed in your local authority to date that are classed as on-street residential chargepoints, located in residential streets or areas? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and the year the figures correspond to.
40 residential chargepoints were installed within our borough in October 2023.

2. For Question 1, how many on-street residential charging outlets or chargepoints have you installed to date in your local authority that have been adapted specifically for disabled users? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and year the figures correspond to.
For all the residential chargepoints, consideration has been given to the following standards and guidance at the time of installations:
- PAS 1899:2022 PAS 1899 - Electric vehicles accessible charging specification;
- Inclusive Mobility - A Guide to Best Practice on Access to Pedestrian and Transport Infrastructure (2021);
- Equality Act 2010; and
- BS 8300-1:2018 and BS 8300-2:2018 Design of an accessible and inclusive built environment - External environment. Code of practice

3. For Question 1, how many on-street public charging outlets or chargepoints are positioned in disabled parking bays?
None of them are located in dedicated disabled bays but the positioning of charging infrastructure in most cases facilitates where possible the use of chargepoints from disabled users.

4. For Question 1, how many of the on-street residential chargepoints in your area adapted for disabled users conform to the BSI’s latest accessible charging specification (PAS 1899:2022)? Please provide figures to the nearest possible date and include the month and year the figures correspond to.
Please see response above.

5. Does your electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy include specific considerations for elderly and / or disabled users?

6. Do you provide any additional support for disabled or elderly users wanting to access public chargepoints for electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, such as charge-point assistants or roaming charging services?
Not yet. Our residential chargepoints are owned and operated by Flowbird. Flowbird provide a 24/7 helpline to assist with the use of chargepoints.

7. Do you support or provide marketing tools to residents to make finding charge point services easier, such as charge point booking or journey planning technologies?
All residential chargepoints have been added to zap map and National Chargepoint Registry. Currently, users cannot prebook a charger, but this functionality is being investigated by Flowbird as something that could potentially be added in the future.

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