Last updated:
8th August 2023
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period.
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) profile of autism
See notes
1. How many children does Wokingham LA support with a PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) profile of autism identified?
a) Currently:
b) In 2022:
c) In 2021:
d) In 2020:
e) Prior to 2020:
2. How many children in Wokingham who have PDA identified are supported with an EHCP?
3. How many children does Wokingham support through EOTAS in Section I (left blank) of their EHCP:
a) Currently:
b) In 2022:
c) In 2021:
d) In 2020:
e) Prior to 2020:
4. How many PDA children have EOTAS in Section I (left blank) of their EHCP?
a) Currently:
b) In 2022:
c) In 2021:
d) In 2020:
e) Prior to 2020:
5. How many currently in the LA SEN and/or Early Intervention team have substantial and detailed formal training (e.g. accredited, with certificate at the end) from a recognised provider (e.g. NEST) in PDA specifically (not just autism more generally with PDA mentioned)?
a) How many hours did the PDA training last?
b) How many of those trained are Educational Psychologists?
c) How many of those trained are in the Autism Advisory Team?
d) How many are in senior management roles?
6. For each of the questions above, who was the training provider accredited by and at what level (e.g. NEST PDA training, accredited by OCNLR, Level 3)?
7. How many children with EOTAS are/have been supported with regular (at least termly) multidisciplinary team (not solely LA officers) meetings including professionals directly involved with the child?
a) Currently:
b) In 2022:
c) In 2021:
d) In 2020:
e) Prior to 2020:
We are unable to answer this request within the appropriate limit so are applying Section 12 exemption. Speaking with the Head of SEND they are unable to provide advice to reduce this under 18 hours work. There are 1952 EHCPs, which we would have to manual read through to get the data as there isnt any reports that are electronically generated that could answer these questions. At 5 minutes per request, this would be approx. 162 hours of work.