Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Allocation of funds attributed to the Better Care Fund

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am reaching out to better understand the allocation of funds attributed to the Better Care Fund.

1. What is the budget for your Health and Wellbeing Boards over the last 5 years? Would you be able to give us a breakdown by source:
o Minimum allocation from Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), or previously from Clinical Commissioning Groups
23/24: £10,223,616
22/23: £9,675,956
21/22: £9,157,634
20/21: £8,711,020
19/20: £8,288,304
18/19: £7,924,816

o Disabled Facilities Grant
23/24: £1,169,518
22/23: £1,075,656
21/22: £1,075,656
20/21: £948,004
19/20: £948,004
18/19: £878,546

o Social care funding (improved BCF)
23/24: £471,832
22/23: £471,832
21/22: £457,979
20/21: £457,979
19/20: £56,390
18/19: £112,780

o Winter pressures grant funding
23/24: £0
22/23: £0
21/22: £0
20/21: £0
19/20: £401,589
18/19: £401,589

o Additional Discharge Fund
23/24: £744,150
22/23: £1,000,658

o other
Wokingham Borough Council Additional Contribution to Better Care Fund:
23/24: £1,112,531
22/23: £1,112,531
21/22: £1,112,531
20/21: £1,112,531
19/20: £1,094,613
18/19: £1,095,000

2. How do you distribute the Better Care Fund? Do you procure services at a Health and Wellbeing Board level or do you distribute funding to NHS Trusts for them to spend individually?
Funding is split into two pooled funds - one hosted by WBC and one hosted by CCG/ICB. Each of these pooled funds can commission and pay for services with BCF funds as agreed by both partners which includes spending with NHS Trusts.

3. If the services and suppliers are procured at a Health and Wellbeing Board level could you detail the spending by contract over the last 5 years.
The Wellbeing board does not holds a budget (it holds a number of organisations to account for their performance, both in and out of the council, most of whom are not funded via BCF).

4. If the budget is distributed to NHS Trusts, please could you provide a breakdown of distribution by trust for the last 5 years.
Not applicable, see answer to question 3.

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