Last updated:
30th December 2024
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Planning Application 230074 Land Adjacent to School Road and Orchard Road, Hurst.
See notes
I am requesting under the FOI Information Act 2000 from Wokingham Borough Council to provide me with information relating to the following:
Re: Planning Application 230074 Land adjacent to School Road and Orchard Road, Hurst, Reading
1. Original application submitted on 12 January, 2023 and validated on 9th February, 2023: Outline for proposed erection of up to 24 dwellings with associated access and 15 car parking spaces for the Local Primary School. Access only to be considered (with Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be reserved).
2. Submission on 20th June, 2023 under application 230074: To remove the proposed secondary vehicle access for 15 properties on Orchard Road and all relevant documentation associated with that submission, including but not restricted to, the TA Addendum dated 27 April, 2023 referring to WBC Highways comments and those comments.
3. Any subsequent correspondence regarding the amendments submitted since the original application validated on 9th February, 2023, which includes but not restricted to the recently submitted amendments for Outline planning application for the proposed erection of 23 dwellings with associated access and 15 carparking spaces for the Local Primary School. Access only to be considered (with Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be reserved) (amended description) REVISED PLANS
I request a copy of ALL correspondence relating to the above 1, 2 and 3 prior to submission and subsequent to the application made on 12th January, 2023.
For clarification by stating ‘All correspondence’ I mean copies of all correspondence and emails (including letters, social media postings, SMS, phone call logs and any other form of communication):
a) All correspondence between the applicant, the developer, their agent, the landowner and professional/amateur contractors paid or unpaid to write reports or who has corresponded with Wokingham Borough Council about this application, including the amendments from the first date of correspondence (including pre-planning advice).
b) All correspondence received either internally or externally between the Wokingham Borough Council, their officers, including but not restricted to those who are employed by Wokingham Borough Council and those who are contracted by Wokingham Borough Council involved in this application.
c) All correspondence between Wokingham Borough Council (pertaining to this application) and any Borough Councillors or Parish Councillors who has been involved from the pre-planning stage up to and including the 15 December, 2023.
d) All reports and minutes associated with this planning application since it’s submission on 12th January 2023.
For clarity and expediency, any information that is currently on the planning portal as of 15th December, 2023, which currently stands at 27 pages (267 entries) with the last date received document being ‘Comments Hurst PC – 230074’ NEED NOT BE SUPPLIED as this is in the public domain, but if any of that information is removed from the portal, then it should be included in the FOI request.
See attached file.