Last updated:
30th December 2024
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Recreational impacts in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)
See notes
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (FOI) act, I am writing to you with 8 requests for information:
1. Have you received communication from Natural England, or consultants on behalf of Natural England, concerning recreational impacts in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) as a result of new housing development?
No, not concerning a SAC (Just the Thames Basin Heaths SPA)
2. Has Natural England designated any part of this local authority a Zone of Influence (ZOI)?
Not for a SAC
Yes for Thames Basin Heaths SPA
3. If yes, how much land (km) is currently designated a ZOI?
For Thames Basin Heaths SPA, the ZOI within Wokingham Borough is 100.08 km2
4. Have you been advised to implement an exclusion zone due to the impact of net increases in development?
Not for a SAC
Yes for the Thames Basin Heaths SPA
5. If yes, how large is the boundary of the exclusion zone?
Exclusion is for net new dwellings and the zone is a 400m buffer of the SPA.
6. Have you been advised to implement a presumption against net increases of residential development in specified areas of the local authority due to a ZOI?
We have been advised that projects that result in a net increase of dwellings within the ZOI will not pass appropriate assessment unless they also deliver mitigation measures as per the Delivery Framework for the Thames Basin Heaths SPA.
7. How many homes are currently help up as a result of the interim position?
8. Have you worked with any developers to agree a recreational impact mitigation scheme and allow home building to resume?