Last updated:
30th December 2024
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Supported living
See notes
We are an adult social care provider for adults aged 18-65 years old with mental health disorders providing 24- hour care in a safe and compassionate co-living environment.
1. The minimum, maximum and average rates paid to independent providers for the delivery of care and support to adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and mental health?
Supported Living hourly average is £18.93. Maximum hourly rate is £22.47 and minimum is £16.63
2. The minimum, maximum and average rates paid to independent providers for the delivery of care and support to young adults 16-25 with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health?
Supported Living hourly average is £19.21. Maximum hourly rate is £21.50 and minimum is £17.55
3. What are your minimum room sizes and property requirements eg, is an open plan kitchen suitable? do you require all ensuites and a separate living and dining room?
The house design must meet the needs of the resident. All bedrooms must be double sized with room for chair and desk. Some require ensuites and the number and layout of communual living spaces is dependent on the numbers of people sharing and how they wish to interact together.
4. What type of supported living services are needed in (your local authority, learning disabilities, mental health, section 117, section 17, informal?
We have need of some shared housing and clusters of one bed flats provided by Registered Social Landlords for people with LD, PD and MH needs. Most accommodation needs to be accessible with preference for ground floor as many have mobility issues.
5. As a new service who do we contact about setting up a Supported living service? Head of Strategic commissioning
6. What type of services are you looking to commission now, for example is it Supported Living 18-65 for people leaving long term inpatient treatment?
18-65 adults moving from college, out of family homes or from other unsuitable supported living accommodation.
7. Do we need to apply for a local authority contract to order to register as a Supported living service if so where do we apply?
We operate a Supported Living Framework for care and support. Contact
8. What are the brokerage contact details.
Not applicable.
9. Who are the mental health and learning disabilities commissioners and their contact details? Head of Strategic commissioning
10. Who is the local finance officer and their contact details? (Head of Finance Business Partnering • Finance Business Partnering
11. Who is the mental health commissioner and their contact details? Head of Strategic commissioning