Last updated:
30th December 2024
See answers to previous information requests
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- Select a year and/or a month from the drop down list
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Bulky waste items
See notes
a) How many bulky waste items were collected in your authority during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: 1,973
ii. May 2022-April 2023: 1,604
b) How many items collected were sent to landfill during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: 100%
ii. May 2022-April 2023: 100%
c) How many of the items collected were recycled during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: 0%
ii. May 2022-April 2023: 0%
d) How many of the items collected were eligible for reuse during these timeframes?
i. May 2021-April 2022: Zero.
ii. May 2022-April 2023: Zero.
2. If recorded, what were the top 5 most common bulky waste items collected?
• Fridge/Freezer
• Sofa
• Cabinet/wardrobe/drawers
• Mattress
• Chair
3. During which month were the most bulky waste items collected in 2022?