Last updated:
30th December 2024
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Adult mental health social care assessment models
See notes
In preparation for a proposal to the National Institute for Health and Care Research to evaluate experiences and outcomes of adult mental health social care assessments in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, we are attempting to comprehensively map the models or approaches used in assessments. This information will inform future research, but is valuable in its own right as such a mapping exercise has not been conducted.
To ensure we are able to create a complete picture, requests for this information have been sent to all public authorities responsible for the provision of adult mental health social care assessments. We may create a visualisation of this information which may identify which approaches are used in different places in the devolved nations.
If your organisation would like to receive a copy of the final report detailing the models or approaches used in adult mental health social care assessments in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, please include contact details for the relevant person or team with your response.
Similarly, please indicate on the form if you are interested in participating in possible future research on the experience and outcomes of adult mental health social care assessments in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
1. Name of Local Authority / Health and Social Care Trust with responsibility for adult social care assessment:
Wokingham Borough Council
2. Which team(s) takes responsibility for adult social care assessments and care planning for people with mental health problems (working age and older adults) within your local authority / Trust?
• Local authority team - specialist mental health team: - Yes integrated with health colleagues, not seconded but co located
• NHS team - seconded or co-located local authority staff (please name NHS Trust(s)): Wokingham CMHT and Wokingham COAMHS- they are integrated with Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
3. Do you use a specific named model or approach to undertake adult social care assessments for people with mental health problems (working age and older adults)?
• Yes - please describe which model, approach, framework or tools you use: Care Programme Approach
• No - please describe your procedure for undertaking your social care assessments: No, strengths based, self directed assessments,
4. Would you be interested in receiving information about participating in future research on adult social care assessments (subject to funding from NIHR) or the report from this study? :
Yes, I’d like to receive the report from this study - please provide your name and email address: Liz Tait,