Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Use of Scrutiny Call-In Mechanism

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

This request relates to uses of the call-in mechanism that forms part of the overview and scrutiny committee system. If your authority has an overview and scrutiny system please answer the following:

1. For the past ten years, please confirm how many decisions taken by the council’s cabinet/executive were available for call-in.

2. Please provide a table showing a breakdown of the following for each year since 2013.
a) For each year please state how many call-ins there were.
(municipal year) 2013-14 x 1, 2015-16 x1, 2016-17 x1, 2017-18 x1, 2018-19 x1, 2021-22 x1, 2022-23 x2
b) For each call-in please show which committee called them in, what the response was, the topic and provide a link to the relevant committee where the call was discussed.

All considered by Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee

* Youth service and childrens centres -
RESOLVED: That 1) after consideration of the three call-in reasons, the Committee concur with the decisions made by the Executive relating to the review of the Council’s Youth Service and Children’s Centre as set out in the decision notice published on Friday 25 July 2013; 2) a letter setting out the following points be sent to the Executive on behalf of the Committee: a) requesting that the Executive ensure that the statutory staff consultation is carried out in accordance with Employment Law and make themselves aware of the risks if the correct process is not followed; b) when undertaking any major review/consultation exercise ensure that: i) all Members are invited to a briefing at the start of the process in order to clarify the aims and set out the process that will be followed; ii) if applicable all Town and Parish Councils to be informed at the earliest opportunity; c) when negotiating any contract ensure that clauses are included which would provide the Council with the flexibility to break or change the contract if necessary.

* – Evening, Sunday and Shute End Charges -
RESOLVED That: 1) the Executive decision relating to the introduction of Evening, Sunday and Shute End charges be confirmed; 2) the Borough Solicitor write to Members of the Committee, clarifying the appropriate decision making process for any future variations of the agreed Evening, Sunday and Shute End charges, including any proposals for individual parts of the Borough; 3) the Chairman write to the Leader of the Council to highlight the communication issues arising from the decision making process in this case.

* – Wokingham Library move
RESOLVED That: 1) the Executive decision relating to the relocation of Wokingham Library be confirmed; 2) the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee recognises that the “in principle” decision to relocate Wokingham Library has been relatively rapid and that the style of consultation is not as detailed or protracted as might otherwise be the case. However, the Committee also recognises that the ambition to improve the Wokingham Library offering via a new location is an opportunity that should be thoroughly investigated. The Committee does not consider that there would be anything significant to gain by delaying matters and referring this back to the Executive for reconsideration; 3) the learning points identified during the Call-In be fed back to inform future decision making.

* Peach Place residential
RESOLVED That: 1) The witnesses be thanked for attending the meeting and answering the Committee’s questions; 2) The Committee concurs with the Executive’s decision on Peach Place Residential; 3) The Executive be recommended to ensure that any future affordable housing scheme which departs from the Council’s normal procedures be supported by details of how the scheme is different and the benefits provided for the Council. This should include the reasons why any detail has been included in a Part 2 section (e.g. that financial data is commercially sensitive).

* School crossing patrollers -
RESOLVED That: 1) the Executive be requested to review their 26 July 2018 decision on the School Crossing Patrol Service in light of the evidence presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee; 2) the request to the Executive for a review is based on the following reasons: a) the original 2015 decision to remove the School Crossing Patrol Service was taken prior to the consultation, and, with the substantive decision having been taken, subsequent consultation exercises were not seen as meaningful; b) the original 2015 decision was taken without an underpinning business case and the 26 July 2018 Executive report did not contain detailed information showing the current costs of the service and the full financial implications relating to the proposed implementation, maintenance and future replacement of the new permanent crossing facilities; c) the original 2015 decision was taken without an underpinning Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) and the subsequent April 2018 EIA did not contain detailed information about consultation with specific groups and did not reflect the individual circumstances relating to each of the proposed crossing sites.

Borough wide off street car parking IMD
RESOLVED: That the Executive Member Decision relating to the Wokingham Boroughwide Off Street Car Parks Order 2021 be confirmed.

* - caddy bin liners
RESOLVED: That the Executive decision, relating to Food Waste Caddy Liners, be confirmed.

* - Off street car parking
RESOLVED: That the Executive decision relating to Off Street Car Park Charges be confirmed.

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