Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Public Health Funerals

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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I am writing to you under the 2000 Freedom of Information Act.

1. I would like to know the details of anyone who has passed away with no known next of kin from 1/1/2023 to the date of your reply. If there are any new cases where the person died prior to 1/1/2023, but that were dealt with after this date, please also include details. This should include deaths of any clients whose affairs are managed by the Councils Safeguarding or Deputy-ship Teams, where applicable. Please also supply a list of any Public Health Act Funerals carried out from the above date (also known as Welfare or Environmental Health Act funerals) if this does not form part of your reply to the above. This should include funerals carried out by the council or on behalf of any third party. If this information is now provided on your website, please send the hyperlink. Please include as much of the following information as you are able to:
• The deceased's full name
• The date they died
• The approximate value of their estate
• Their date and place of birth or age at death
• Whether or not they were married, divorced, single, or widowed
• The maiden surnames of married females or widows
• Their address at time of death
• The date a referral was made of this estate to any other 3rd party or body to research or administer and the name of the 3rd party concerned.
• If a referral to a 3rd party or body has not yet been made could you advise of the case details as above too.
• If a case referral to a 3rd party or body is still undecided or awaiting referral, please also advise of details of the deceased.

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