Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Council properties

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Date Resolved

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We are currently conducting research analysing UK data about the following topics: mental health, careers & jobs and sustainability and I was wondering if you could help us by sending us the most updated data you have about the Wokingham Council. We need the following information to complete our research:

1. How many staff members are in your council
Wokingham Borough Council has 1428 staff members.
This includes staff on the following contracts; Permanent, Fixed Term, Apprenticeship, Staff seconded into roles.
This excludes staff on the following contracts; Casual, Agency, Traded/Partner services, Consultants and Suppliers, Students, Volunteers, Staff seconded out of roles.

2. How many mental health-trained staff members are in your council
Wokingham Borough Council has 32 mental health-trained staff members.

3. How many first aid-trained staff members are in your council
16 staff trained – 3 day First at Work
89 staff trained – 1 day Emergency First Aid at Work

4. How many council properties with solar panels installed this year
There have been 0 properties installed with solar panels.

5. How many total council properties with solar panels installed
Including blocks of flats, there are 175 properties with solar panels installed.

6. How many total council properties with renewables installed
There are 6 council properties with renewables installed.

7. How many council properties with renewables installed this year
There have been 0 properties installed with renewables.

8. How many RIDDOR reportable incidents in council properties
In this instance we have included known RIDDORs that have occurred in ALL council properties – this includes corporate properties such as office buildings, libraries etc as well as community schools, housing and countryside parks.
2020-2021 – 4 reported RIDDORs
2021-2022 – 4 reported RIDDORs
2022-2023 – 2 reported RIDDORs

9. How many gas-related incidents in council properties
2 gas-related incidents in council properties have been reported to the health and safety team since 1st January 2021

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