Last updated:
30th December 2024
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Pothole spending and JCB PotholePro
See notes
1. How much money your local authority has spent repairing potholes in the financial year 2022/23.
In the financial year 2022/23, Wokingham Borough Council spent £193129.29 on repairing potholes in carriageways, and £3512.60 on repairing potholes in footways, a total of £196641.89.
2. Have you made any use of a JCB PotholePro vehicle for your repairs or do you have plans to do so?
Wokingham Borough Council’s principal highways maintenance provider evaluated the machine in a limited trial period.
3. If you have made use of a JCB PotholePro vehicle, or have plans to do so, please advise what savings (if any) have been achieved, or you expect to achieve.
In a limited trial period of the machine, it was evaluated that on the works completed there would have been no overall cost saving. This was the personal opinion of an operational manager and did not represent the views of Wokingham Borough Council or its principal highways contractor.