Last updated:

30th December 2024

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. 

Electric Vehicle Charging

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

I would like to make the following request for information relating to electric vehicle charging and fleets in your local authority. By fleet, we are referring to those in the private sector, not owned by the council. These private fleet users are diverse, and they include car club and rental fleets, people who have leased a vehicle for work - or due to a disability - and vans based at home or in depots.

a) Do you have a published EV infrastructure strategy? - If so, please enclose a hyperlink to your published strategy
Our EV Strategy is currently at a draft stage. It has been reviewed by WBC officers and Energy Saving Trust and comments are currently being addressed.

b) Can you confirm what year the strategy was launched, and what year it is due to be refreshed?
It will be consulted with the public and approved within Financial Year 2024.

2. In the last 12 months, has the council engaged with the fleet sector. If so, which fleets and how?
Not yet, but we aim to engage with them. Business engagement has been undertaken by the Climate Emergency Team and My Journey.

3. How does the local authority support fleet operators?
Referral to EST/other, and;
Sharing knowledge/best practice

4. Do you have a dedicated member of staff responsible for public EV infrastructure rollout (i.e it is part of their job description/written responsibilities)? If yes, please provide the name and email address of the member of staff concerned.
ORCS and LEVI projects are managed by representatives from the transport (Sofia Charalampidou- and energy team (Hoyte Swager-

5. The BVRLA has a ‘Fleet Friendly EV Charging Pledge’ for local authorities. Which of the following best describes the council’s position on the pledge?
We haven’t signed yet, but we will be signing

6. Has the council received support for public EV infrastructure rollout?
LEVI (Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) support body
Energy Saving Trust
Charge point operators

7. Has/will the council make an application for LEVI (Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) funds

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