Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Parking offences

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to you to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Please give details of the parking enforcement actions that you (or contractors on your behalf) took over the past three years.

1. Total number of parking enforcement notices issued
a) 2020: 13,891 PCN’s issued
b) 2021: 17,440 PCN’s issued
c) 2022: 17,697 PCN’s issued
d) 1st Jan – 30 June 2023: 11,359 PCN’s issued

2. Number of parking tickets (Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) or an Excess Charge Notice (ECN)) issued . Not applicable as we only issue PCN’s figures for PCN’s shown in question 1
a) 2020: Nil
b) 2021: Nil
c) 2022: Nil
d) 1st Jan – 30 June 2023: Nil

3. Number of vehicles clamped: Not applicable we do not clamp vehicles.
a) 2020: Nil
b) 2021: Nil
c) 2022: Nil
d) 1st Jan – 30 June 2023: Nil

4. Number of vehicles towed / removed. Not applicable we do not tow or remove vehicles
a) 2020: Nil
b) 2021: Nil
c) 2022: Nil
d) 1st Jan – 30 June 2023: Nil

5. Council net revenue (after paying contractors) from parking fines (Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) or an Excess Charge Notice (ECN)) Expenditure exceeds income in each year requested. The net position is shown below.
a) 2020: £140,000
b) 2021: £99,200
c) 2022: £268,100
d) 1st Jan – 30 June 2023: £1,800

6. Council net revenue (after paying contractors) from those paying to remove clamps Not applicable we do not tow or remove vehicles
a) 2020: Nil
b) 2021: Nil
c) 2022: Nil
d) 1st Jan – 30 June 2023: Nil

7. Council net revenue (after paying contractors) from those paying towing fines Not applicable we do not tow or remove vehicles
a) 2020: Nil
b) 2021: Nil
c) 2022: Nil
d) 1st Jan – 30 June 2023: Nil

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