Last updated:
30th December 2024
See answers to previous information requests
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Energy & Carbon reduction
See notes
Please can the below be answered and returned in excel or excel format like below.
1. How do you currently manage your energy portfolio?
Through a framework contract and dedicated suppliers.
2. What your portfolio consists of - number of electricity, gas and water meters and if known, the annual consumption
3. Current contracts in place, eg suppliers, brokers and length of contract.
New contract as from April 2024, for one year.
4. Do they currently procure their energy direct or via a broker
5. Do you have an energy manager/service team - if not who would need to be the authorising signatory and their contact details?
Energy Manager – Ian Gough,
6. Are current bills sent electronic e.g. EDI
7. Current payment terms - BACS/DD - Days to pay, etc
8. Do you have an energy management software
9. Do you require/complete net carbon reporting
10. Do you outsource any other energy services e.g. EPCs/DECs
11. Do you have any requirements for carbon reduction?
12. Do you have any requirement or plans for solar panel installs - if yes have you considered Power Purchase Agreements?
Yes and yes
13. Do you require any additional services - online portals, etc?