Last updated:
30th December 2024
See answers to previous information requests
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
Compensation to teachers or teaching assistants
See notes
1. In the last financial year 2022/2023 please provide me with the number of settlements and the total amount paid as compensation to teachers or teaching assistants for injuries sustained at schools or outside schools. For each incident please provide me with the amount of compensation, costs and a summary of the claim.
Please clearly indicate any incidents where compensation was made to staff as a result of an injury sustained from an attack by a pupil, or in an incident when trying to restrain a violent pupil. N/A
Note: The question relates to payments made in 2022/2023 regardless of when the incident took place. If the settlement was made by the authority's insurers it is still information 'held' by your authority under the terms of the Act.
Response from Health & Safety: Across all local authority maintained schools only 14 incidents of physical assault have been reported since 01/01/2020 - of the 14 only 5 relate to student/pupils directly attacking school staff, the other 9 reported incidents were directly related to children with special educational or behavioural needs which were being managed by the schools at the time.
Response from Insurance Team: None.
Response from HR: We are not aware of any settlement agreements made with any maintained school staff relating to injuries sustained at school in the year 2022/2023.