Last updated:
30th December 2024
See answers to previous information requests
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward.
SEND performance and targets
See notes
I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. The following questions concern financial years, not academic years or calendar years.
1. The number of new EHCPs issued by the council so far in 2023/24
2. The percentage of new EHCPs issued by the council so far in 2023/24 that were issued within the statutory timeframe, excluding exception cases
3. The percentage of new EHCPs issued by the council so far in 2023/24 that were issued within the statutory timeframe, including exception cases
4. The number of new EHCPs the council is currently due to issue that have been waiting longer than the statutory timeframe, excluding exception cases
5. The number of new EHCPs that are designated exception cases, which the council is currently due to issue that have been waiting for longer than the statutory timeframe
In questions 4 and 5, “currently due to issue” mean EHCPs that the council is required to issue as they relate to a child who has been deemed to need an EHCP following an EHC needs assessment. It is not restricted to EHCPs that are ‘ready’ to be issued or are to be issued imminently.
6. Any target, benchmark or key performance indicator the council has for the percentage of EHCPs awarded within the statutory timeframe in 2023/24, and performance against this to date. Please state whether this includes or excludes exception cases.
7. The percentage of requests for an EHC needs assessment that were rejected by the council in 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 respectively (this should be three separate figures)
8. The percentage of requests for an EHC needs assessment rejected by the council so far in 2023/24 (excluding requests for which no decision has yet been made)
9. The percentage of EHC needs assessments that resulted in a decision to award a new EHCP in 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 respectively (this should be three separate figures)
10. The percentage of EHC needs assessments that resulted in a decision to award a new EHCP so far in 2023/24 (excluding assessments regarding which no decision to award or not award an EHCP has yet been made)
11. The number of EHCPs that were ceased/terminated for reasons other than exceeding the age range for SEND support, in 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 respectively (this should be three separate figures)
12. The number of EHCPs that were ceased/terminated for reasons other than exceeding the age range for SEND support so far in 2023/24
13. The total number of children/young people with EHCPs during the course of 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 respectively (this should be three separate figures)
14. The total number of children/young people with EHCPs during the course of 2023/24 to date
15. Other than those referred to in response to question 6, any target, benchmark, key performance indicator or targeted/preferred direction of travel the council has regarding EHC assessments (including requests for an assessment), EHCPs (including cessation of EHCPs), or use of special schools by SEND children/students – and performance against these metrics to date. If the council has a stated preference for a particular measure to rise or fall (even without a stipulated target), that falls within the scope of this question.
For all questions other than 6 and 15, please use the attached spreadsheet to provide responses.