Last updated:

30th December 2024

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. 

Number of children recorded for home schooling

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to request the following information:

1. The number of children registered for elective home education over the past five school years (2022/23, 2021/22, 2020/21, 2019/20, 2018/19). Ideally I would like a monthly breakdown of this information for Sept 2022 - August 2023 - as well as the four years preceding this (Sept 2021 - August 2022; Sept 2020 - August 2021; Sept 2019 - August 2020; Sept 2018 - August 2019)
Total number is given for each year, this is the total number of children registered for elective home education at any point during the year. The monthly breakdown is the number of children registered for elective home education at the end of the month, taking account of additions and removals.

2018/19 Total: 209

September 2018: 144
October 2018: 148
November 2018: 150
December 2018: 154
January 2019: 157
February 2019: 162
March 2019: 169
April 2019: 175
May 2019: 180
June 2019: 171
July 2019: 176
August 2019: 176

2019/20 Total: 249

September 2019: 170
October 2019: 167
November 2019: 178
December 2019: 177
January 2020: 172
February 2020: 171
March 2020: 169
April 2020: 172
May 2020: 172
June 2020: 152
July 2020: 148
August 2020: 148

2020/21 Total: 341

September 2020: 199
October 2020: 209
November 2020: 218
December 2020: 221
January 2021: 220
February 2021: 228
March 2021: 237
April 2021: 243
May 2021: 239
June 2021: 226
July 2021: 226
August 2021: 226

2021/22 Total: 360

September 2021: 201
October 2021: 202
November 2021: 197
December 2021: 198
January 2022: 211
February 2022: 217
March 2022: 218
April 2022: 218
May 2022: 234
June 2022: 203
July 2022: 204
August 2022: 204

2022/23 Total: 369

September 2022: 207
October 2022: 202
November 2022: 216
December 2022: 221
January 2023: 234
February 2023: 242
March 2023: 244
April 2023: 248
May 2023: 256
June 2023: 234
July 2023: 239
August 2023: 239


September 2023: 234
October 2023: 220

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