Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Kingfisher Grove, Three Mile Cross, Reading, RG7 1RA

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

Incident date: 05 July 2023
Location: 40 Kingfisher Grove, Three Mile Cross, Reading, RG7 1RA
This request is made under the Freedom of Information Act 2005.
1. We are currently undertaking enquires with our client and in the meantime would kindly request the following information:
• The date of your last pre-accident inspection of this location No routine safety inspection of Kingfisher Grove was undertaken before the date of the incident, 05 July 2023. The first inspection of the street was carried out on 24/07/2023.
• The frequency of inspections: Inspections are carried out at 12 month intervals.
• How inspections are carried out (on foot or slow-moving vehicle): Inspections are carried out on foot.
• Confirmation of any defects that were noted at the time of your last pre-accident inspection: Although no inspections were carried out before the incident, the location details provided by the customer show that the incident took place in an area off the adopted (public) highway that would not have been inspected. We have checked our records, and there are no reports from the public relating to the incident.

2. Please can you provide a copy of the inspection records and confirm if any Section 81 Notices have been issued to our Client.
The full inspection record for the street is supplied in the attached Excel file. We have no record of a Section 81 notice being issued for the incident.

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