Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Boundary Report

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved
Review Start Date
Review Closed Date

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In July 2023 a Wokingham council boundary surveyor conducted a survey of boundaries between [redacted]. I was advised that due to GDPR this report would not be shared with me. However, it has been referred to several times without my being aware of the content.

I am unsure which elements of GDPR mean that the report about my boundary cannot be shared with me, as I know the names and addresses of all parties involved, including that of the third party landowner. There would be no other personal information included.

1. I would like to receive a copy of this report, with names redacted as necessary.

The Boundary Report relates to a Council owned property that we paid an independent boundary expert (Vail Williams) to carry out the survey & produce the report. The inspection was carried out on 06 July 2023 and was supported by Emilia Hill, Wokingham Borough Council surveyor & Cllr David Cornish. All boundaries of interest relating to our property were inspected.

The Council are refusing to release the Boundary Report as 1) individuals are able to commission their own Boundary report so the information is accessible by other means (Section 21), and 2) that there is a cost related to the survey and report and therefore Commercial Interests (Section 43) are applicable. The same company are able to carry out the work (provided they accept the job) or other independent boundary survey companies could do this instead. GDPR/Data Protection was the wrong reason to state by the Housing team, and their manager has spoken to staff about this; the Council cannot provide information for free which has a fee attached to it which is the main reason behind refusal.

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