Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Commissioning process

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See notes

1. Can you please let me have the commissioning process for obtaining care home market rate weekly charges and meeting care needs. In addition to the information requested, I would also like sight of (and this may be included in the process documentation), the criteria used buy your commissioning team when choosing care homes for individual cost comparisons. I would expect to see items such as:
Size of Home (no of residents)
Size of Room
Public Spaces
Freedom to move around
Always open Cafe
But am sure that there are many more that the commissioning take into account when looking for like for like comparative costs.

Operational Commissioning Team will commission placements on behalf of the referring Social Work Teams. The process is detailed and covers all placements across the sector for ASC. This is a summary of the process 'Referral / Pen Picture SDA is received via Mosaic of request, detailing needs of the customer location and any factors relating yo individual requirements of care. Team will use the capacity tracker and market intelligence to ascertain potential vacancies in conjunction with CQC rating Care Governance Board and safeguarding / care quality intelligence and if out of area the host authorities reference and rates. Then approach homes within our discharge of duty rate. A choices checklist will detail the searchband go to the placement budget holder for approval via Daily / weekly Forum, "We use the Care-Cubed model developed by iESE to determine fair rates for Working Aged Adult care homes. For Older people's homes we use a combination of the available rates in the market of homes that can meet the person's needs coupled with our calculations of the fair cost of care for that type of service. These are derived from detailed cost breakdowns of weekly rates, similar to the Care-Cubed methodology.

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