Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 


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Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. We have been commissioned on behalf of a public sector client to create a benchmark mechanism for their procurement team to ascertain which metrics are used to govern the size of the team, how it is performing and if it is delivering a monetary return on investment. We would be grateful if you could please answer the following questions:
a) How many dedicated FTE procurement officers do you have within the authority? We have 8 FTE Procurement Officers across the authority.
b) How many officers have a formal CIPS accreditation and how many are working towards CIPS accreditation: 4 Procurement Officers have CIPS qualifications and 1 working towards.
c) What is the total spend of the Authority in the last financial year: Data sets and open data (
d) What percentage of the spend are the Procurement officers able to influence: Total council spend can be influenced by the procurement team.
e) How many Tenders and RFQs do the team handle on average per year (please base this over the last 5 years to take account of the pandemic skew): The number of tenders handled is 155 based on the average 2019 to 2023.
f) How (if at all) do you measure the performance of the authority’s procurement officers. Examples might be: Team level KPIs, 121s, Appraisals, savings targets, service plan.

a) Time taken from receiving the first request to purchase to the placement of order,
b) cost reduction / avoidance achieved from first offer to order placement,
c) cost this year compared with last year, or
d) number of requisitions processed
e) Where accounts payable is managed in-house does this function ever sit within the remit of a procurement or commercial specialisation? Accounts Payable doesn’t sit as a function in the Procurement Team.
f) Do you use any specific metric(s) to govern the size of your procurement team, and if so what are they? No specific metrics have been used, aside from standard business cases/workload/strategy

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