Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Occupational Therapists

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

1. Do you employ Occupational Therapists in your Council?

2. Do you have a Principal Occupational Therapist in your Council? If not, why not?
If yes, please provide their pay scale.
If yes, please specify does their work cover both children’s services and adult social care? If the role only covers either children’s services or adult social care, please specify which.
No, due to size of the council.

3. Do you have a Principal Social Worker in you Council? If not, why not?
If yes, please provide their pay scale
If yes, please specify does their work cover both children’s services and adult social care? If the role only covers either children’s services or adult social care, please specify which.
Yes, there is one Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care and one Principal Social Worker for Children’s Services

4. Does your Principal Occupational Therapist complete other roles in addition to their Principal Occupational Therapy role? If yes, please specify what other roles they complete.

5. Does your Principal Social Worker complete other roles in addition to their Principal Social Worker role? If yes, please specify what other roles they complete.
No – the PSW undertakes a range of work that is compatible with her role

6. Please can you provide a copy of the job description for your Principal Occupational Therapist? If this is not possible, please provide an overview of the core elements of the role.

7. Please can you provide a copy of the job description for your Principal Social Worker? If this is not possible, please provide an overview of the core elements of the role.
Please see attached file - Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care and Principal Social Worker for Children’s Services

8. If your Principal Occupational Therapist(s) and Principal Social Worker(s) are not paid equitably, please state why?
N/A – there is no Principal Occupational Therapist role to compare against

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