Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Commissioned Domestic Abuse Services

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to submit an FOI request to your local authority concerning Domestic Abuse services and have listed 3x FOI questions below:

1. Please provide a list of your local authorities commissioned domestic abuse support services for both community and safe accommodation support services for adults and children, to include:
• Your local authority area: Wokingham
• Contract name: Wokingham Domestic Abuse Support Service
• Contract type e.g. Framework: Provision of a fully integrated domestic abuse service for children, young people and adults who are residents in Wokingham Borough.
• Contract term and any extension opportunities: 5 years (+1 +1)
• Contract value:
• Contract start date: 1st July 2021
• Contract end date: 30th June 2026 (potential extension to 30th June 2027 / 30th June 2028)
• Contracted provider/s (please detail lots if applicable): Cranstoun
• Details of provision/service including eligibility: Key elements of the provision include providing a helpline for individuals and practitioners, outreach and Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) support, a perpetrator programme and support for children and young people.
Eligibility for this Service will be children, young people and adults who reside or are educated within the boundaries of Wokingham Borough, or are fleeing to the Borough and have been assessed as requiring support for domestic abuse and/or violence.
• How is the contract funded: Wokingham Borough Council
• Additional commissioned services to meet the Contract variations with start and end dates through the lifetime of the core contract (please also include variations that reflect the DA Act e.g. children and safe accommodation, or any other change in legislation), please include how these variations are funded: Variations are funded depending on what these are to cover and what funding sources are available.

2. Please provide copy of or link to your current DA Needs Assessment and Strategy
Enc. 2 for Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021-2024.pdf (

3. Please provide any themes / commissioning intentions you may have for future commissioned domestic abuse services to respond to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021
Please see Strategy for details.

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