Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Highway Commuted Sums

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Upon creation of new highway assets a Highway Authority is allowed to impose commuted sums upon the developer

1. Under the Freedom of Information act please could you advise me
a) on what highway assets you will apply commuted sums: WBC completed a review of commuted sums in 2019 and identified assets Commuted Sums List 2022_0.pdf (
. Prices were being updated annually relative to inflation but in recent years the cost of some items increased disproportionately to others. Similarly, the introduction/update of Sewers for Adoption et al SfA-8-Master-2.pdf ( introduces new assets, some of which can be adopted in the highway. WBC is in the process of a ‘root and branch’ review of these assets and expected to update information soon.
b) at what financial rate: The rate can vary from scheme to scheme and as such, as set out on the council’s website, each item will be priced on application (POA). The reason for this is every scheme is different, the location and constraints reflect variations in maintenance costs.
c) and over what time period / maintenance cycles these apply: the design life of highway assets varies; the maintenance period is typically 20-40 years.

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