Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Car parking ticket

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. How many car park payments were made in Denmark Street on the 11th September 2023?
619 Car park payments were made for the 11 September 2023.

2. Of these, how many paid via the app and how many paid at the terminal?
Ticket sales for the 11 September from the machines were 371 tickets purchased and 248 purchase via RingGo.

3. How many people reported issues with not being able to pay via either means on the 11th September 2023?
We do not record this information.

4. How many tickets were issued in this car park on the 11th September 2023?
15 Penalty Notices were issued in Denmark Street on the 11 September 2023.

5. How many people challenged a ticket and successfully overruled them?
Of the 15 Penalty Notices issued 7 have paid and closed the case 1 challenge has been successfully challenge and 7 cases remain outstanding.

6. Of those overruled, what were the reasons?
The one case accepted was because they registered their vehicle registration wrong. We allow this on first occasion.

7. I've been informed that 'if a driver experiences difficulty with a pay & display machine, they must call the telephone number provided on nearby signage, in order to report the problem and seek advice'. What advice do WBC give in relation to not being able to pay due to a faulty machine?
If a machine is faulty then please, try another machine in the car park or use the RingGo App to make payment.

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