Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Looked after children

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I submit the following request for information under the Freedom of Information legislation regarding placements of Looked After Children where your local authority has corporate parenting responsibilities.

1. In total, how many Looked After children for whom your Local Authority is the corporate parent:
a) moved from one placement to a different placement between 18 December 2022 and 3 January 2023: 3 children
b) became a Looked After Child between 18 December 2022 and 3 January 2023: 1 child

2. How many Looked After children for whom your Local Authority was the corporate parent, moved between 18 December 2022 and 3 January 2023 to:
a) a placement that was more than 20 miles from either their home or their last placement: 0
b) a placement that was 20 miles or less from their home or their last placement: 3
c) a placement for which the distance from home or their last placement is not known or recorded: 0
*Note: While answering Q2, only the placement moves are considered, and the one new child who came into care between 18/12/2022 and 03/01/2023 is an UASC; we wouldn't consider him for the 20-mile calculation as we don't know the home postcode.

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