Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Grass cutting

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

Please provide answers to the following, with associated documentation as requested:

1. Which department is responsible for grass cutting and which manager has responsibility for liaising with Tivoli to give instructions on this matter?
The Place Clienting Team is responsible for the grounds maintenance contract, from within this team communication is made referencing Cleaner & Greener. All officers within the team provide Tivoli with instructions regarding grass cutting.

2. How are instructions given to Tivoli on which areas to cut and not cut?
For changes to grass maintenance, instructions are given to Tivoli via email

3. Do officers have regular meetings with Tivoli to review grass cutting over a season? If so, how often?
There are monthly contract meetings with Tivoli as well as regular communication with the contractors.

4. How are Tivoli advised on which areas are not to be cut? Are they provided with written descriptions or maps or both?
Tivoli are provided with a map and/or description when advising of changes to grass cutting.

5. What specific instructions were given to Tivoli regarding suspension of the grass cutting on the island in Moor Copse Close in 2021, 2022 and 2023?
See attached

6. Was the instruction given in writing on each occasion? If so, please provide copies of the correspondence
See attached

7. Following the grass being cut, despite a suspension being agreed, what action was taken in 2021, 2022 & 2023 to prevent re-occurrence?
2021: details sent to contractor requesting area be left uncut
2022: Reminder sent to contractors to leave area uncut - request for signage to be installed.
2023: Reminder sent to contractors to leave area uncut - signage requested & replaced. Issue escalated to contractor regional manager

8. Whose decision was it to place blue heart signs (#BLUEcampaign) on the island as a way of preventing grass cutting in 2022 & 2023 and how were Tivoli advised about the meaning of the signs?
The blue heart signs were introduced as part of the BLUE campaign to help encourage rewilding and to be used as an indicator to contractors to leave areas of grass uncut to benefit nature.

9. Please provide a link to the relevant webpage on the Council's website that explains the meaning of the blue heart sign
There is no link currently on the Council’s website which outlines the BLUE campaign.

10. Why could WBC not provide a clear 'no mow' sign?
Using the blue heart signage provided an opportunity to utilise the Blue campaign signage with the intention to use a consistent sign for contractors to recognise which wouldn’t be confused with other signs which might have wording on and be confused with other signs

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