Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 


Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to you to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

1. Does the council currently have a green fleet strategy for converting to EVs/low carbon vehicles?
No, the council does not currently have a green fleet strategy.

2. Please state the total number of vehicles registered to your council fleet in the following years, and please state how many of these were electric at the end of:
In the councils ownership we have one electric vehicle purchased in 2017. We have one further vehicle operated within the council which is leased.
• Number of electric cars
a) 2021: 0
b) 2022: 0
c) 2023 YTD: 0
• Number of electric vans
a) 2021: 1 owned, 1 leased
b) 2022: 1 owned, 1 leased
c) 2023 YTD: 1 owned, 1 leased
• Total number of vehicles Internal Combustion Engine + electric
a) 2021: 16 Owned, 4 leased
b) 2022: 17 Owned, 4 leased
c) 2023 YTD: 17 Owned, 4 leased

3.Please state how many electric vehicles the council currently has on order?
Wokingham Borough Council have no electric vehicles on order

4.Please state the total number of electric vehicle charging points available in your council depots at the end of:
a) 2021: 1
b) 2022: 5
c) 2023 YTD: 5

5.For each of the following calendar years, please state the total expenditure on electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the council’s depots:
a) 2021: 0
b) 2022: Commercially sensitive
c) 2023 YTD: 0

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