Last updated:

8th August 2023

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SEND children out of formal education

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

We are looking at the amount of children with SEND who are currently out of formal education. Please could you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information act:

1. As of 1st September 2023, how many specialist school places in total, did your authority have? (Vacant & filled). This would include - Special Schools and Resourced Provision places within a mainstream setting.
Total specialist places in Wokingham as of 1st September 2023 including special schools and resource bases is 465.

2. How many children who have an EHCP are not currently accessing any formal education as of the date of receipt of this email?

3. How many children who have an EHCP do not have a place at any school? 1
Please provide the number of children who are currently waiting for an EHCP assessment that are:
a) on roll but are unable to attend: 0
b) have no school place: 0
c) electively home educated: 1

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