Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Email encryption and E-signatures

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Please can you provide the following information in relation to your past, present and future suppliers of the following services:

Email encryption
1. Do you have a product or supplier for email encryption?

• If so, please can you supply details of the contractual arrangements in place including date of award, details of any Framework used or link to the advertisement, contract value and duration.
We use Microsoft email encryption and content management.

• If so, please can you indicate the plans for future procurement of this product?
We have an Enterprise agreement with Microsoft. Next renewal date is April 2024.

• If not, please can you indicate what evaluation of the requirement for email encryption has been undertaken?
Not applicable.

• Please can you confirm the individual responsible for managing your email encryption contract or wider cyber security contracts and provide their contact details and role title? Head of IT, Wokingham Borough Council

2. Do you use a specific product or solution for electronic signatures?

• If so, please can you confirm the name of the supplier from which this solution is purchased
Not applicable.

• If so, please can you supply details of the contractual arrangements in place including date of award, details of any Framework used or link to the advertisement, contract value and duration.
Not applicable.

• If so, please can you indicate the plans for future procurement of this product?
Not applicable.

• If not, please can you indicate what evaluation of the requirement for email encryption has been undertaken?
A full review of requirements was completed over a year ago when we switched to Microsoft encryption

• Please can you confirm the individual responsible for managing your e-signature solution contract or wider cyber security and provide their contact details and role title? Head of IT, Wokingham Borough Council

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