Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Communal grass areas maintenance

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

The communal grass areas within Wokingham town and borough are in the main uncut, unsightly and a mess. The maintenance of keeping these communal grass areas fit for purpose has been out-sourced to Tivoli Group Ltd. Could you please inform me as to the:

1. Number of days year-to-date (1st January to 30th June) Tivoli Group Ltd have cut communal grass areas i.e. grass verges, parks and fields? Totals by month.
Scheduled grass cutting takes place from March. Standard work week is 5 days but weekend work is also undertaken at times.
January: 0
February: 0
March: 12
April: 20
May: 23
June: 24
July: 20

2. Number of days year-to-date (1st January to 30th June) Tivoli Group Ltd have not been able to cut communal grass areas i.e. grass verges, parks and fields due to some issue, whether inclement weather, ground too wet, human resources not available, machinery not available, or something else? Totals by month and reason not cut.
Scheduled grass cutting takes place from March.
January: N/A
February: N/A
March: 7
April: 2 (Bank Holidays)
May: 2 (Bank Holidays)
June: 0
July: 0

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