Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

New schools in the Borough

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Please provide the following details of each planned new school in the Wokingham Borough Council area including:
a) The location of each school
• School 1: South of the M4 SDL, new primary school Spencers Wood, Shinfield,
Off Hyde End Lane, Ryeish Lane, Fullbrook Avenue
Approx location 51°23'58.9"N 0°57'33.8"W
• School 2: Arborfield Garrison SDL, new primary school, Finchwood Park (AKA Hogwood Garden Village), Finchampstead
See Planning application 181194 for location details
Approx location 51°22'26.5"N 0°53'42.0"W
• School 3: South Wokingham SDL, new primary School
See Planning application 140764
Approx location 51°24'09.4"N 0°49'08.4"W
b) The anticipated month and year when each school will open
All3 schools – to be determined.
c) The number of pupil places that each school will provide
All 3 schools – to be determined (range 210 to 630 plus nursery)
d) The type of funding that has been / will be used to pay for the building costs of each school
All 3 schools – to be determined.
e) Whether developers have been asked to contribute towards the land costs for each school
All 3 schools: developers are providing sites through S106 agreements

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