Last updated:

30th December 2024

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. 

Funds for carbon net zero by 2030 objective

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Can you please confirm how much of council’s fund have been / are projected to be spent in 2023 year in the pursuit of the council’s “carbon net zero by 2030” objective.

Please provide this as a pound amount and as a percentage of the total council expenditure of council funds (spent / expected spend) for 2023

The council’s climate emergency action plan (CEAP) covers until 2030, so projects within the plan are costed against this deadline and it is challenging to identify the specific costs for any individual year. As such it would be advised to refer to the medium term financial plan for more context. Our understanding of the figure for the current financial year for projects that offer some carbon savings within this medium term financial plan is £38,097,000. However, many projects have an element of carbon implications within them and cover numerous years, so this is only the estimated figure.

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