Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

School transport

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Feedback Request.
PREAMBLE: I have reviewed existing requests already filed and the publicised data and I've not been able to find what I require.

Could I please have the following information for both the current financial year (budgeted/forecast) and the two previous years:

1) cost to operate the E1/E2/E3 school transport, broken down as follows:
a) Total cost for the year to the council for contracting the services
b) Peak/Total number of users for the route (whichever is available) - broken down into fare paying and non-fare paying categories
c) Amount of the total cost of the service that was recouped from fare paying places

2) cost of the subsidy of the 202/244 services , broken down as follows:
a) Total cost for the year to the council (level of subsidy provided)
b) Peak/Total number of users for the route (whichever is available) that receive the benefit of a subsidy

Thank you


Could I please have the following information for both the current financial year (budgeted/forecast) and the two previous years:

1. Cost to operate the E1/E2/E3 school transport, broken down as follows:
a) Total cost for the year to the council for contracting the services
b) Peak/Total number of users for the route (whichever is available) - broken down into fare paying and non-fare paying categories
c) Amount of the total cost of the service that was recouped from fare paying places

2. Cost of the subsidy of the 202/244 services , broken down as follows:
a) Total cost for the year to the council (level of subsidy provided)
b) Peak/Total number of users for the route (whichever is available) that receive the benefit of a subsidy
This is a duplicate request, please see WBCIR:17065

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