Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Modern slavery NRM referrals for criminal exploitation

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to request the following information in relation to the victims of forced criminality known as ‘criminal exploitation’. For the six month period January to June 2023 please provide the following information:

1. The number of NRM referrals made by your local authority as First Responder relating to reported ‘criminal exploitation’ broken down by age, gender and nationality of the potential victim.
Adult Services and Housing have said the figure is 0. Children Services are unable to report on this and have stated it would take over 18 hours to review the files manually. Housing and Adult Services have both commented that they sometimes do NRM referrals but have not done any during this time period.

2. The number of NRM referrals made by your local authority flagged as ‘county lines’
Adult Services and Housing have said the figure is 0. Children Services are unable to report on this and have stated it would take over 18 hours to review the files manually. Housing and Adult Services have both commented that they sometimes do NRM referrals but have not done any during this time period.

3. For the NRM referrals for criminal exploitation for children under 18 years old how many were (i) in mainstream school, (ii) in alternative provision at the time of referral For the NRM referrals for criminal exploitation for children under 18 years old how many had been (i) persistently absent from school or (ii) severely absent from school in the 12 months prior to referral.
Not applicable.

4. For the NRM referrals for criminal exploitation for children under 18 years old how many were (i) a ‘looked after’ child or (ii) a child in need prior to referral.
Not applicable.

5. For the NRM referrals for criminal exploitation for adults aged 18 years and above, how many have (i) had their care and support needs assessed and (ii) been provided with support under a support plan under the Care Act 2014.
Not applicable.

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