Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Car parking changes at Twyford Library

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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This week the car park next to Twyford Library has become a season ticket only car park having previously been free. In relation to this change can you provide me the following -

1. At which council meeting this was approved. Please provide a link to the minutes and agenda.
The changes to car park charges and the related off-street car parking traffic regulation order was formally approved at the Executive meeting held on the 21 March 2023. The following is a link to the agenda of that meeting. Item number 115.
Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 21st March, 2023, 7.00 pm | Wokingham (

2. How the change was publicised. Again, please provide links where available.
The notice of proposal was advised in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Local Authorities Traffic Order Procedures 1996. It was advertised in local papers, on the Councils web site and with notices displayed at each car park location. A copy of the notice of proposal is attached. The web links are no longer available however the Notice of marking and the sealed traffic order are still available to view on our website using this link – see item Borough-wide off-street parking places charge
Wokingham Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) Procedures

3. What consultation was carried out, with a link to the consultation document if still live, or an electronic copy of the consultation in a common format.
The proposal (Notice of Proposal attached) were consulted on as part of the statutory TRO making process which provided a period to submit objections to the making of the order. All responses received during this process were considered and presented to the executive at the meeting held of the 21 March. These documents can bee seen as part of the agenda pack by following the link provided above in response to question 1.

4. What reasonable adjustments were made in the consultation and publicity to ensure that any residents unable to access the internet due to a protected characteristic where still engaged with.
The Order was advertised locally by placing notices on site to cater for residents unable to access the internet.

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