Last updated:
8th August 2023
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period.
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) referrals regarding children’s homes
See notes
Please provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Statutory guidance places a responsibility on organisations to contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) within one working day where it is alleged that a member of staff or volunteer who works with children has:
• behaved in a way that has harmed a child or, may have harmed a child;
• possibly committed a criminal offence against a child or related to a child;
• behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates that they may pose a risk of harm to children;
• behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children.
1. Please provide a list of all children’s homes within your local authority area, including the operator.
There are four children’s homes;
• Springalls House (Swallowfield) - Willow Tree Children Services LTD
• Bridges (Woodley) - Wokingham Borough Council
• Chiltern Crescent (Earley) - SWAAY Children & Adolescent Services LTD
• Wokingham Bespoke Residential Provision/Placement – Wokingham Borough Council
2. Please provide the number of referrals to the LADO made in the local authority in the calendar year 2022.
3. Please provide the number of referrals to the LADO made in relation to each children’s home in the year 2022.
Five referrals. Please note that The Dingles, and Pondview settings have since closed which is why they are not included in the answer to question one above.
The Dingles (Closed): 2
Pondview (Closed): 1
Bridges: 0
Springalls: 1
Wokingham Bespoke Residential Provision/Placement: 1