Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Planning applications for the development of new residential care homes

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

I am seeking information on whether the local authority has faced any challenges with regards to the number of planning applications for the development of new residential care homes in your locality despite the large number of existing vacancies. Specifically:

1. Has the local authority faced, or does the local authority continue to face, too many planning applications for residential care homes, without respect to the local need?
No information held. This is asking for for a view/opinion. Planning applications for care homes are available on the web site. There is a key word search facility so applications for care homes along with officers reports and reasons for refusal (if applicable) are already in the public domain.

2. If so, how does the local authority deal with this challenge?
Each planning application is determined on its merits.

3. Does the local authority have any joint strategies or policies in place with services – for example, your strategic growth and planning departments, public health, and commissioning to challenge or prevent such applications going through?
The Council has an older peoples strategy which is available on the web site. Planning policies can be found in the Core Strategy and Managing Development Delivery Local Plan, both available on the Councils web site.

4. If the answer to question 3 is yes, I would be grateful if you would provide a copy of the policy and the lead officer contacts in order that Trafford may make further enquiries.
The person in adult social care that comments on planning applications for care homes is Jenny Lamprell.

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