Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Disabled Facilities Grants

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information which pertains to Disabled Facilities Grants. Please may you provide data on:

1. The number of applications the council has received for Disabled Facilities Grants in the last five years
We are unable to provide the last five years as this would exceed the cost of compliance (section 12)
2021/22 Financial Year: 22 applications received
2022/23 Financial Year: 82 applications received

2. The number of applications that have been accepted resulting in a Disabled Facilities Grant being awarded in this timeframe
We are unable to provide the last five years as this would exceed the cost of compliance (section 12)
2021/22 Financial Year: 22 DFG’s were awarded
2022/23 Financial year: 80 DFG’s were awarded

3. The average time, from the date an application is received, it takes the council to make a decision on the application
We are unable to provide the last five years as this would exceed the cost of compliance (section 12)
2021/22 Financial year: it took an average of 20 working days
2022/23 Financial year: it took an average of 3 working days

4. The total amount the council has awarded on Disabled Facilities Grants in the last five years, split by year.
Financial Year 2017/18 = £531,516.16
Financial Year 2018/19 = £1,319.476.16
Financial Year 2019/20 = £1,016,351.51
Financial year 2020/21 = £776,914.83
Financial year 2021/22 = £769,648.32

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