Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Social Workers

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. With regard to your Local Authority’s fiscal situation, how much do you need to save in the next fiscal year in order to deliver a balanced budget?
Contained in the Councils Medium Term Financial Plan which is published on our website:

2. How many Social Worker vacancies does your Local Authority have across all of its Adult Social Care Teams as of today’s date?
16 (14.81 FTE)

3. How many Locum/Agency Social Workers are current in post across all of your Adult Social Care Teams as of today’s date?

4. How many people are waiting for an initial adult social care assessment from your Local Authority as of today’s date?
72 awaiting allocation to Social Worker, a further 97 currently underway.

5. How many of those currently waiting for an adult social care assessment have been waiting longer than 3 months, and how many longer than 6 months.
35 waiting longer than 3 months (30 are underway), 17 waiting longer than 6 months (16 are underway).

6. How many care plan annual reviews are outstanding across all your Adult Social Care Teams as of today’s date?

7. How many of these reviews are overdue by 0 – 3 months?

8. How many of these reviews are overdue by 3 – 6 months?

9. How many of these reviews are overdue by 6 months or more?

10. How many packages of care for adults (18+ years old) is the Local Authority funding at a cost of £1000 or more per week, including supported living placements, care home placements and care at home?

11. How many adult packages of care are currently joint funded between your Local Authority and the NHS?

12. How many continuing healthcare screening assessments have been completed by your Adult Social Care Teams each month over the past 12 months?

13. What model of working do your Adult Social Care Teams currently use, i.e. 3 conversations model?
Strength based approach.

14. What case management system is currently used by your Adult Social Care Teams, i.e. Liquid Logic, Mosaic, AIS, Swift?

15. If a resident in your Local Authority area was on the waiting list for a Care Act (2014) assessment and instead of waiting for an assessment from one of your Social Workers, paid for an independent Social Worker to complete a Care Act assessment, would the Local Authority accept this as a complete assessment and arrange support as recommended in the assessment, or would a Local Authority employed Social Worker still be required to complete an assessment?
The LA may delegate its section 9 duties, however needs to ensure that any assessor has the general skills and competence required. The LA has the power to provide urgent care/support pending initial assessment/reassessment and will accept referrals/information from any individual, professional, family member or friend.

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