Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Child Protection and core group meetings

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Are Parents and Gillick competent Children given the option of being given the minutes of all Core Group meetings within 5 working days?
Parents are given copies of core group meeting minutes. In WBC the practice standard is for minutes to be provided within 10 working days. There are a number of factors that can impact on timeliness. Minutes are not usually sent to children.

2. For what reasons would the Parents and Gillick Children be denied their rights to have copies of the minutes to Core Group meetings, LAC review meetings, Child Protection case conference minutes and children in need meetings and all other Social Services meetings?
If the minutes exist there is no reason for minutes to be denied although for various reasons they might be redacted. For example, if addresses are confidential or there is third party information.

3. Under the GDPR Policy of 28/05/2018 can Parents and Gillick competent children request copies of past Social services meetings minutes if they have not ever been given to them?
If a case remains open then this can be requested from the Social Worker, if the case is closed a Subject Access Request can be made. If the child meets the Gillick Competent check and the information is being requested under a Subject Access, then the parent would likely be refused access to the information. The personal information is that of the Data Subject so if the child is mature enough to understand their Rights then they are the individual who is able to access and receive the personal information under Subject Access. However, this all depends on the participants of the meeting, the information held, and why it is required. It would need to be reviewed and consider as to what can be released to whom – there are other process outside of Subject Access in which the parent could receive information to inform decisions if the child is still too young to legal decide on certain things. Consideration would need to be taken whether any relevant exemptions were applicable as well, along with any authorisation or instructions are in place (such as Court Orders), and why the information is being required. So yes, both the parent and the child(ren) could request them, but whether any information was released or not (and to whom) would be determined by a number of factors upon review. Each case is bespoke and needs careful consideration.

4. Has the Local Authority ever been investigated by the Information commissioner for not allowing parents or Gillick competent children to have their files via a Subject Access Request?
Wokingham Borough Council has not been investigated by the ICO for not allowing parents or Gillick competent children to have their files via a Subject Access Request.

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