Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Care waiting times

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

Under the FOI Act please provide me with the information below. For the current financial year and for 21/22 please could you provide: 

1.  The median time (in days) taken to assess a referral made to adult social services for an assessment of needs. Please include new referrals as well as re-assessment of existing clients. 
• 21/22 - Median time to assess = 41 days
• 22/23 - Median time to assess = 27 days

2. The single longest wait (in days) taken to assess an individual after a referral to adult social services. Please include new referrals as well as reassessments. This should include any support package, whether delivered directly by social services or commissioned by them in any other way. 
• 21/22 - single longest wait = 353 days
• 22/23 - single longest wait = 286 days

3. The median time (in days) taken between the completion of assessment and the start of a service identified within their care and support. Please include new referrals as well as re-assessment of existing clients.  
Unable to report in format requested as we do not hold start dates for packages that are self-funded or fully health funded, but for the following years we can report the % of people who already have care and support packages in place by the time their assessment has ended.
• 2021/22: 87%
• 2022/23: 91%

4. The single longest wait (in days) between the completion of assessment and the start of a service identified within their care and support. This should include any support package, whether delivered directly by social services or commissioned by them in any other way. 
Unable to report in format requested as we do not hold start dates for packages that are self-funded or fully health funded, but for the following years we can report the % of people who already have care and support packages in place by the time their assessment has ended.

5. The number of people who have died awaiting the start of an initial package of social care in 2022/23.  

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