Last updated:

24th March 2025

Vote by post or proxy

Apply online for postal or proxy vote

Apply online for postal or proxy vote

You can now complete a postal or proxy vote application online:

For security reasons all postal and proxy vote applications must include a signature, date of birth and your national insurance number. This is the case for both online application and paper application.

The maximum length of a postal vote application will be valid has gone from 5 years to 3 years at which time you will have to renew it.

To receive a paper application form for either a postal or proxy vote please contact

This form can be returned by email or by post:
Wokingham Borough Council
Electoral Services
Civic Offices
Shute End
RG40 1WH

What to do if you can't provide a signature

If you are unable to provide a signature due to any disability, you can request a waiver for the signature requirement. The request must include the reason(s) for the request along with the name and address of any person who has assisted with the completion of the application. Contact us to request a personalised waiver application form using the details at bottom of the page.

Postal voting deadlines

Your application for a new postal vote, along with any changes to an existing postal vote, must be received by us no later than 5pm, 11 working days before election day. 

Once an election is called, every eligible elector on the register who is an absent voter is sent a poll card reminding them that they have chosen to vote in this way. We usually send postal ballot papers by first class post about 2 weeks before polling day, to everyone who has applied to vote by post. However, the later you apply, the later your postal vote will be despatched. 

If you were going to be away on holiday and were thinking about a postal vote, please contact Electoral Services prior to applying to find out the approximate posting dates of the ballot papers, as we have to follow strict dates for posting, and cannot always guarantee to deliver these to you if you are on holiday a few days prior to the election.

There will be full instructions on how to vote included with the ballot paper. You must get postal ballot papers to us by 10pm on polling day. If you are too late for the post, you can take it to our offices or to the polling station shown on your polling card and hand it to the staff.

Lost or spoilt ballot papers

If the ballot paper is spoilt, don't throw any part of the ballot paper pack away. Return it to us for replacement. Replacements can be issued up to 5pm on Polling Day. 

Proxy voting deadlines

Your request for a new proxy vote application form must be received by us no later than 5pm, 6 working days before the election poll. However, if you have a postal vote and wish to change to vote by proxy, the deadline to submit your proxy application is 5pm, 11 working days before the poll.

The deadline for emergency proxy applications is 5pm on the day of the poll. These are only permitted for people who find out that they are unable to go to the polling station either due to work or a medical emergency, after the deadline for appointing a proxy has passed. Your application to appoint an emergency proxy will need to be supported and signed by your manager, the appropriate medical practitioner, or a health professional.

If you have applied for a proxy vote, we will send your proxy a poll card about one week before polling day.  This will confirm they have been appointed to act as your proxy and allow them to go to the polling station you would have gone to and cast your vote on your behalf.

Your proxy will need a valid form of ID to vote on your behalf. If your proxy does not have ID they can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate.

If the person you wish to appoint to act as your proxy is not local they can make an application to vote by post as a proxy. This means an appointed proxy is able to vote on an elector’s behalf without having to visit the elector’s allocated polling station. To apply please email us at

Changes to postal and proxy voting:

  • For postal voting:
    Political parties and campaigners will be banned from handling postal votes. If you are a postal voter, once received, you should complete and return your ballot paper pack as soon as possible using a Royal Mail post box.

If you miss the post, you can hand it in at the Council Offices, Shute End, Wokingham (during office hours) or your polling station on election day.

Choosing to hand in your postal vote will mean that you must complete an additional form with an authorised member of our staff. If you do not, your postal vote will be rejected. Voters will not be allowed to hand in more than 5 postal ballot packs (in addition to their own).

  • For proxy voting:
    Electors will only be allowed to act as proxy for up to 4 people, of which no more than 2 can be 'domestic electors' - i.e. not overseas voters.

Contact us

Wokingham Borough Council
Electoral Services
Civic Offices
Shute End
RG40 1WH

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