Last updated:
22nd June 2023
Berkshire Emergency Support Group (ESOG)
During a major incident, the emergency services and local authority may call upon voluntary organisations to assist in the response. The Berkshire Emergency Support Group (ESOG) was set up to ensure good practice and working relationships within Berkshire. The group meets to discuss plans and how they may be able to support the local community in an emergency. Members of ESOG include:
- Berkshire local councils
- British Red Cross
- South Central Ambulance Service
- Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue
- Hampshire and Berkshire 4 x 4 Response
- SEBEV (South East Berkshire Emergency Volunteers)
- St John Ambulance
- RAYNET (Radio Amateurs Emergency Network)
- RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
- Thames Valley Police (also representing Berkshire religious groups)
- Royal Voluntary Service
The ESOG policy document outlines what the voluntary organisations can offer in terms of staff, services, equipment and skills in the event of an incident in Berkshire.