Last updated:

17th April 2024

Complaints policy

How to make a complaint

Complaints about PREVENT or the Channel process in Wokingham should be made using our make a complaint form. An appropriate course of action will then be decided and will follow the corporate complaints procedure.

The action undertaken will depend on the subject matter of the complaint. 

  1. Concerns relating to the running of the Wokingham Channel Panel
  2. Issues relating to dissatisfaction with the Wokingham Channel referral procedure
  3. If the complaint concerns safeguarding issues, it will be dealt with by the local authority’s safeguarding complaints procedure
  4. If the complaint references any form of harassment, a harassment procedure will need to be carried out

Standards and compliance

The Government has launched a new unit called the Standards and Compliance Unit which has been set up to make sure anyone applying the Prevent duty, or providing training on Prevent, follows the right process and standards.

The unit will process and investigate complaints from both Prevent practitioners and the general public. The unit is not able to respond to complaints related to Prevent policy, only to how it has been applied. Visit the website to make a complaint to the national Standards and Compliance Unit.

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